Visual reference - Rinko Kawauchi

For this project I have chosen to primarily shoot portraits of my younger sister; however, I also plan to take photographs of still life objects such as, my sisters belongings, her environment, possessions and other objects which relate to her, to accompany the portraits.

One of my favourite and most influential photographers, which I feel relates to this idea perfectly, is Rinko Kawauchi. Her photographs of everyday scenes and objects are so atmospheric, and she manages to capture human presence without anyone being in the photo. The use of depth of field in Kawauchi's images compliments the soft and hazy tones, and sets apart certain objects from their surroundings.

For me, Kawauchi's images evoke memory and change - which is also a key theme in my work - and each frame flows seamlessly with the next, due to clever composition and sequencing. Her work contains a 'documentary' style of photography, even if the photos were staged, which is particularly what I like about it and why I believe it works so well.

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