Evaluation of Pilot Project

Overall, I am very pleased with the work that I produced in the project. I feel that I captured some good shots which presented and suggested the change and transition that my younger sister is going through at the moment; however, I feel that my work would have benefitted greatly if the project was over a longer period of time, in order for me to capture her transformation into adolescence over the period of a few years.

I learnt many things over the course of this pilot project, one being learning how to use new equipment, as this project enabled me to experiment with using a Fujifilm medium format rangefinder camera, which I found perfect to shoot with as it was much lighter than the Mamiya, and smaller and easier to use outside and on the go. I also became much more aware of lighting and learning to use it to my advantage, in order to avoid the use of artificial flash.

I feel my strengths in the project came from my relationship with my sister, and being close enough to her in order to take personal photographs of her life and development, which she would otherwise be self-conscious about. I also feel my camera control and editing skills were a large strength in this work, as I was pleased with the final results of my images.

I feel my weaknesses in this project were not shooting enough material, however, I found it hard to find suitable times in the week where myself and my subject would both be available for at least 4 hours/the whole day to shoot. As my photographs are not staged and posed, it was important that I made my sister feel comfortable and relaxed first by spending a few hours with her alone without my camera before shooting. It was important that I captured many different aspects about her and her change, therefore I tried not to limit the time that I would spend shooting her to less than 2 hours, as otherwise this wouldn't give me enough time to capture many different aspects of her daily routine; however, daylight was an issue and therefore I tried to keep all of my shooting time between 9am-4pm.

I would really like to develop this project further if given the time, as I feel over the course of 2 years I could create some great images that would work well for this series and suggest the transition into adolescence. Although my idea for my Final Major Project has developed and change slightly from this pilot project, I am still going to continue with taking images for this series in my own spare time, and continue forward into my FMP taking the skills and strengths that I have learnt from this pilot project.

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